Saturday, 9 November 2013

Making Sherbet!

As part of our learning about carbon dioxide we made sherbet.

Our wondering: What will happen when we put the sherbet onto our tongue?

Room 6 scientists predicted that the sherbet will explode and fizz. The clever scientists used what they already knew to help make their prediction.

Result: The sherbet fizzed and popped and bubbled. Why?

A chemical reaction happens when the acid (citric & tartaric acid) mixes with the alkaline or base (baking soda) and the saliva on our tongue. CO2 or carbon dioxide is created meaning FIZZ, POP, BUBBLE!

We made paper bags to hold the sherbet.

Mat time with a bag of sherbet!

1 comment:

  1. YUMMO..took me back to when i was a little girl-thanks for that room 6
