Thursday 11 April 2013

Static Electricity

Today in Room 6 we explored static electricity. We rubbed balloons on our hair and found that it made our hair stick out like hedgehog spikes. We learnt that  static electricity happens when there is a positive and negative charge. After rubbing the balloon on our heads the balloon can act like a magnet and pick up small pieces of paper.

We also found that rubbing the balloon on our hair made the balloon stick to our hair like glue. We liked this experiment so much that we are going to try it out again tomorrow! 

Author Bailey wrote:

Room 6 had balloons. We rubbed balloons on our heads. My hair was sticking up. It was funny. We rubbed the balloons then we put the balloon on the paper. It was a miracle. The balloon lifted the paper up.

Check out the photos of how we could get the balloon to balance on our heads.


Kaedyn using static electricity to balance the balloon on his head

Practicing mat manners using static electricity!

Oscar and Zack

Analise's hair created lots of static electricity!

We wondered if rubbing a balloon on our heads would make the balloon act like a magnet and pick up these small pieces of paper.

Analise trying it out

Ciara trying it out - look how her balloon acted like a magnet and picked up pieces of paper.

Oscar trying it out - look at the pieces of green paper (on the right)  moving up towards the balloon!


  1. Wow Analise!
    She must of made lots of electricity for the balloon to be on the side of her head.
    Keep it rubbing!

  2. Wow I never new you could pick paper up with a balloon. I like how you say at the start our hair sticks up like a hedgehog spikes.
    Well done!
