Monday 28 October 2013

Mixing acids with alkalines!

We are learning what happens when we mix acids with alkalines.

We know that an acid is something sour or bitter like vinegar or lemon juice. We know that an alkaline is not an acid.

We did an experiment with purple cabbage juice. We mixed the juice with some acids and alkalines to observe what chemical reaction would happen.

We learnt that
acid + acid = pink
acid + alkaline = blue or green

We poured boiling water onto the cabbage. We observed that straight away the water started to turn purple. We did one container with cold water and observed that the water didn't change colour. We concluded that the heat made the water change colour.

Izaiah mixing cabbage juice with lemon juice. Acid + acid = pink

Ciara mixing cabbage juice with Lux soap flakes. Acid + alkaline = blue or green.

Logan mixing cabbage juice with lemon juice. Acid + acid = pink

Ella mixing cabbage juice with cooking oil. We observed that the colour stayed purple and the cooking oil moved to the top of the cup. We concluded that because the oil is a fat and thicker than the cabbage juice it stops the juice from mixing. 

Acid + alkaline = blue or green

Acid + acid = pink

The coke changed only a little bit to a darker brown colour.

The milk changed to a light purple colour. We concluded that like the cooking oil the milk has lots of fat so the cabbage juice couldn't mix properly.

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