Wednesday 13 March 2013


Gloop! Recipe

2 cups cornflour
1 cup cold water
food colouring

Pour cornflour into large bowl
Slowly pour in water and mix continuously with spoon until water just mixed in. Then start mixing with hands. When smooth, add in a few drops of food colouring. 

Gloop can store in a ziplock bag for a few days and can be made soft again by squeezing with hands.

Author Sienna wrote:

Today Room 6 went outside to play with gloop. It felt like a slimy slug. The whole class loved it because it was awesome!

Author Henry wrote:

Today Room 6 went out to play with slimy and wavy gloop. It can slime down your hand like a slug. It is made of cornflour and water. It felt hard like a stone. At the end if kind of like turned into chalk!


  1. I wish I was in your class that must of been so fun playing with the gloop. From Emma
